You're my love

by James Nguyen   Feb 21, 2006

Your touch is always in the
nerves of my skin...
almost burnt there...
Your voice, beauty, body, eyes
always rambling in my head
Before I met you, I never felt this
way about a person before...
I thought love was a fantasy that
only existed in fairy tales..
And now I don't fail to see that
I am in love...
When we fight... I hurt....
I cry
I shake
I break...
When we make up...
I feel everything in life is great
like the world makes sense again..
I love it.. the sound of your laughter
is the fire that sparks my life..
The way you look at my makes
my life looked treasured... and feeling
love is one of the best things life can
My heart is complete..
with the love we share..
and our love grows more each
and every beautiful day
I'm with you.


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  • 19 years ago


    Hewwo again.
    Another sweet love poem.
    My favourite part was ''Your voice, beauty, body, eyes
    always rambling in my head''
    It was cute yet showed how strongly you feel about this girl.
    ''I am in love...
    When we fight... I hurt....
    I cry
    I shake
    I break...''

    This part shows how much you have to put into love to keep it alive..strong..true. Very nice and I saw a lil ryhme there to!

    The ending was very nice again.
    Real sweet love, your emotions put on paper is what you did I would enjoy watching the poetry grow.

    Keep it up.x

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    Beautifully written, full of emotion as are your other poems. Nice job.

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