Comments : You're my love

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    Beautifully written, full of emotion as are your other poems. Nice job.

  • 19 years ago


    Hewwo again.
    Another sweet love poem.
    My favourite part was ''Your voice, beauty, body, eyes
    always rambling in my head''
    It was cute yet showed how strongly you feel about this girl.
    ''I am in love...
    When we fight... I hurt....
    I cry
    I shake
    I break...''

    This part shows how much you have to put into love to keep it alive..strong..true. Very nice and I saw a lil ryhme there to!

    The ending was very nice again.
    Real sweet love, your emotions put on paper is what you did I would enjoy watching the poetry grow.

    Keep it up.x