Love never dies

by Irena   Feb 21, 2006

As the day was coming to the end and the night was throwing her shadows on her face, the old feelings and the pictures she thought were gone forever began to take over her.
A little shining tear trembled of her eye and roll on her chick, all the way to her mouth.
She haven't cried for such a long time, but tonight was special, tonight all the shadows and ghosts from the past were her. To judge her, to remind her of who she was, what she had, how she loved. Tonight was one year since she has lost herself, her heart, her spirit, her love. One year since she sold her soul. The pain has awaken, her heart was falling apart, all she could do was cry, but she was glad, because for the first time after a year she felt something, pain, but at least she felt something. She remembered how happy and pure was she than. How much they loved each other. She went to the bedroom and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at her reflection, but she couldn't recognize her self. Under those tones of make-up, is there still the old girl, the girl that loved with all her heart. With her body and soul. The girl that prayed every night to keep her love, that's all she need it, her love, but she didn't, she couldn't keep her love, she sold her love. She took his knife, the only thing that she had to remember him. Never goanna kiss those lips again, never goanna fell that touch again, never goanna hear those words spoken from him again. "I love you", how she missed those 3 words, how she loved hearing them. She looked at the knife and said "I'm coming my love". She cut her veins, the blood was spilling everywhere. Blood more red than her lips, blood burning, burning for one love, which never disappeared. Love, which lived in that blood, in those veins...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chris

    Uhmm....Very good poem there Irena! I hope it hasn't happened to you, its quite distressing..
