Don't Tell me It'll Be Ok

by Toni   Feb 21, 2006

7th jan

They tell me there's still hope
Some more pills I haven't tried
Some more intoxicating chemicals
That will erase the nights I've cried

Some magic little happy pills
To keep me 'safe' at night
Well tell me what's the use in that
When I no longer want to fight

I've done the chemical highs
And the smiles are all so fake
All I need now is to find some peace
I've had all that I can take

The future ahead feels so bleak
Yet they tell me to carry on
Willing me to invent some hope
That will help me to stay strong

But it's all a little late
For you to tell me to hang on
For months I cried out, warning people
That I was struggling to go on

30 pills, I was back there again
Crying alone in a hospital bed
Different psychiatrists trying to assess
What was going through my head

And no doctor I will not open up
For there's nothing left to say
You don't know the pain, the memories
Yet you tell me it'll be okay?

The one person I trust came to visit
To try and talk things through
But now I feel I've lost everything
And it looks like I'll lose him too

Sleeping the day and nightmares at night
I need an escape to this hell
Suddenly everyone wants me to talk
But there's nothing left to tell

A crisis team, a different person each day
Trying to find a way in
They always fail 'cos I've got to protect
Everyone from this pain within

What's the point in fluids and food for this body
When it only prolongs the pain
How can the future be any different
When each day I live is the same?

I'm tired of these days
And I'm tired of the nights
I'm tired of pretending to stay strong
I'm tired of trying to fight

So talk to me all that you want
Try your hardest to show me the way
But when you see my tears falling
Whatever you do, don't tell me it'll be okay


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by rachyBBY

    That is a wonderful poem!! wow. it was like..really touching. if this is really about you, i am so sorry. just hold on tho. =/ 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Kayla

    Aww thats soo sad...hun...i know many can relate...great poem though...i hope things are going better much love


  • 19 years ago

    by AnGeL oF dArKnEsS

    Hmmm um i guess all that i can say is
    they will never understand!!!
    thoughs poor people who want to help people like us, they will never know. until they are in our place.
    its kind like when some one u care about dies.. and the people around u say im sorry. .. they think they know how u feel, when really its not the same at all.... take care... jess

  • 19 years ago

    by dragonfly

    Toni, i haven't read one of your poems for such along time but i saw the title and just had to...I love this poem, i really do i'm not just saying touches me deep down in that dark part of my mind that i'm hiding from everyone, because i have been there and i know how it feels to just want to fade away without people pulling you back in all the time. They always say its ok, but they don't even know whats wrong...It brought back some painful memories but i loved it.