Comments : Don't Tell me It'll Be Ok

  • 19 years ago

    by dragonfly

    Toni, i haven't read one of your poems for such along time but i saw the title and just had to...I love this poem, i really do i'm not just saying touches me deep down in that dark part of my mind that i'm hiding from everyone, because i have been there and i know how it feels to just want to fade away without people pulling you back in all the time. They always say its ok, but they don't even know whats wrong...It brought back some painful memories but i loved it.

  • 19 years ago

    by AnGeL oF dArKnEsS

    Hmmm um i guess all that i can say is
    they will never understand!!!
    thoughs poor people who want to help people like us, they will never know. until they are in our place.
    its kind like when some one u care about dies.. and the people around u say im sorry. .. they think they know how u feel, when really its not the same at all.... take care... jess

  • 18 years ago

    by Kayla

    Aww thats soo sad...hun...i know many can relate...great poem though...i hope things are going better much love


  • 18 years ago

    by rachyBBY

    That is a wonderful poem!! wow. it was like..really touching. if this is really about you, i am so sorry. just hold on tho. =/ 5/5