Love Has An Element

by N J Thornton   Feb 21, 2006

Love has an element of envy;
It cannot decipher
What is supposed, as a passion
Between thumb and finger.

It has no sense but itself,
An emotive rush thereof
Its meaning, revealed to souls
Who deny belief of love.

*Inspired by poem 650 "Pain has a element of blank;" by Emily D ickinson.


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  • 18 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Well, all i can say is wow.
    I have read all of Emily D !ckinson's poems, including 650
    you have surpassed that one.
    I don't know quite what gets me... into your poems but maybe your word use and short but meaningful lines have in depth meanings that we can never quite decipher...
    But it is incredible.
    5/5 once again

  • 18 years ago

    by Oceansoul

    Really well done, , really liked it,
    i love this kind of poetry and emily d ickinsons poems :)
    just to crazy that on this site one can't even write her name normally
    keep the good poetry up :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    This is a very good poem, its short, but you really made it work. I love the meaning behind it. You did a very wonderful job on this, your word usage was really good and the flow and rhythm of it was really good also. Great job on this!

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Your use of words is very effective.
    Cute lil poem. Now I cannot comment on the style as I have a hard time writing in this I think you did really well. Again you use uncommon or original words wich makes it a pleasure to read.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jacqui Armstrong

    Was a good poem and flowed well, altho i had to read it a couple of times to understand it...
    keep writing


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