Ode to Poppy

by EarlyBird01   Feb 21, 2006

You sit there; you don’t say a thing,
Harsh but gentle- cool, yet warm,
Feelings clash-infinite harm. The room is haunted,
By your presence, as day by day, you keep your silence

Reminded by your searching eyes,
One is careful, and one tries-
To be good and just, fair and clean
Lest we displease-Him unseen

Something lovely, something sweet
These are but my memory-
Of things gone by, so long ago
Leaving us here, cold, and hollow

Happy-although bittersweet,
We remember those gone by,
And small things remain, to remind,
Time is short till once more we meet

Four years now, the warmth is gone-
But beauty still surrounds
Through our tears, more flowers grow,
And the Poppy still lives on.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dani Ward

    Delightful. i quite enjoyed it. take care, ciao~lyn

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