I sit

by maya   Feb 21, 2006

I sit in this dark and cold room
feelings abandon, feeling no more.
You close the door. I'm stuck for life.
In a room full of sorrow.

Light seeps threw the cracks showing the cuts.
Never once were visible.
Showing a girl you left behind.
The girl you used to love...

I reached my hand up to you as I struggled to craw closer.
You backed away...

You close the door. I'm stuck for life.
Trampled and regretful.
I dream of times to escape,
when dead eyes don't gaze back
when I'm something to be and something to see
for a time I love myself.

My heart has stopped the beat of time,
its sore with pain.
My body has shattered,
numb to even know you blocked me away.

I sit in this dark and cold room,
feelings abandon, feeling no more.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Great poem. You expressed your feelings so well. I loved it. 5/5