1~~~SaD sToRy~~~

by Tiombe aka Lady   Feb 21, 2006

A mafia princess loves this boy

The boy sells drugs and loves her back

The boy was the mafia princess 1st 2nd 3rd and so on

The princess calls the boy on the phone

Princess: I got to tell you something

Boy: I can\'t talk now

Princess: it\'s important

Boy: I have to handle some business

Princess: well I\'m coming over there (click)

Boy: wait damn

The boy friends rode up in a car and asked him was he ready

The boy said yeah and got in the car

The boy shot at 3 other boys on the corner

But he didn\'t see a girl walking pass with a pink coat on

He didn\'t shot any of the boys

But shot the girl 3 times

He ran over to the girl to see who she was

He saw her face it was his girlfriend

He stared crying

With her last breath she said

I was trying to tell you that I was pregnant

He stared crying harder

She said I love you and closed he eyes

He kissed her and waited till the police came

Later on he had flash backs of how they always spent time together

And how he loved her so much

Later on his friends came to his house nobody answered the door

They tore down his door

And saw him lying down with a gun in his hand

And blood around him

And a bloody letter in his hand that said

I\'m sorry over and over again

And boy and princess together forever

They were buried together and on the headstone read

Together forever


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Latest Comments

  • Dam that was really good n sooo sad it almost brought a tear 2 my eye good poem i give u a 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiombe aka Lady


  • 19 years ago

    by Jessee

    I love this poem. I know people who could fit this poem and i love it. keep writing more.

    comment bak.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammi

    This is so sad and sweet at the same time. i wunda if a boy wud do tht 4 mex

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiombe aka Lady

    To good

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