Wasted Words.

by quietlybreaking   Feb 22, 2006

Yesterday i may have heard,
yesterday i may have listened,
but now its over,
today is one day too late,
your words are wasted,
on ears that no longer hear,
on a heart that doesn't care,
yesterday you could have helped,
but now as i lay here,
on the floor,
your words are wasted,
as wasted as my life was spent,
your wasted words will never help,
your wasted words came too late.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    O, hmm, well, here's the idea that I got from this poem, people only regret after something happen, only say things they should hev say when someone is alive, yet end up saying it 2 them only after they die, typical humas, well, their words r wasted...4 that some1 has died...this is what I got lol, don't know if u r thinking about the same thing...

  • 19 years ago

    by disenchanted

    Its sad poem.. one without hope but still so beautifully written hunz.

  • 19 years ago

    by *fading*away*

    Nice repition of the word 'wasted'! i loved this poem..it's short and sad. thank you for posting this!