Empty spaces

by Becky   Feb 22, 2006

My days are now filled
with empty spaces
where i use to spend time
with my now rusting friend

now that your gone
and not returning to my life
things are brighter
but duller just the same

i don't know how to fill
those forever empty moments
where we once played our game
forever scarring my body

i know it's for the better
but yet still, i miss the feel
when i would hold you to me
and my pain would dribble away

although we no longer play
i will never rid myself of you
in my memories our fun will forever stay
but in my possession, you will forever be

i know you meant me good
but harm was all your brought
i see that now
but don't blame you for it

i miss you now, and forever will
but something once bad
and something once loved
will forever be that way

unfortunately my love for you
will never out weigh
the bad your bring
into my already broken life


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  • 19 years ago

    by unnoticedXlove

    Woa its good its like super awesome too cuz like yeah hehe

  • 19 years ago

    by NicholasRyan

    Damn that has to hurt, I'm sorry you feel so hurt, I do too.I think I feel alot better then i did knowing that kayce does still love me and all..i hope your ok..this is a sad poem, You should commet on my poems, Your a great poet.You have alot of talent. cy later.
