Winter Wind (Split Acrostic)

by Timeless Hopeful   Feb 22, 2006

Blow the autumn leaves away, beautiful crone
Blow the beauty of Leo's sign away

Thou art cruel, unlike your siblings
Thou made the water cold and vapid; your presence alone brings misfortune

Winter my globe encompassed
Winter favoured child of Night

Wind; once playful satyr, now a brooding poet
Wind has become the boy-toy of his suga-mama winter

As I peer into the window, a beggar reaching out through his hands
As he reaches out, all he gets is a cold brush off.

Manâ??s selfish desire is all this beggar gets
Manâ??s personality is compared to cold crone winter

Ingratitude is humanityâ??s and winters biggest flaw
Ingratitude is a barren wasteland, like winterâ??s existence

Blow Thou Winter Wind, As Man's Ingratitude

*This is actually a quote from William Shakespear...Just FYI*


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  • 18 years ago


    Powerful message wrapped in an outstanding poem!
    I don't really know what to say. This poem is very thought provoking....
    Take care and keep it up~Holly

  • 18 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    I am confused
    what part is the quote? well i think the poem is great! one of your best! the imagry is fantastic!!! loved it.
