But you didn't even know

by Karen Driscoll   Feb 22, 2006

Saying goodbye to you was hard,
I just couldn't keep the tears inside,
I cried out loud and deep down,
I felt I was losing one part of my life.

You said we would keep in touch,
We talk to each other email Each Other,
That was what you told me,
And we did.

But then things went rough,
We didn't talk that much anymore,
You had yourself a new girlfriend,
Is what you told me.

I cried and cried for weeks,
The pain was like someone shot me,
Hurting and crying was all I done,
And you didn't even know.

I would stay in my room,
And not leave,
My room was the other place,
Where I felt I could stay,

I couldn't handle anymore pain,
It hurt more then you know,
So I'll run out side into the woods,
With a knife in my hand,
Putting the pain to an end.

I'll write you a letter with why I done,
This to myself for you to see,
I was hurt and couldn't go on,
It will be in the pool of blood.

So I'll slit my throat,
Because the pain is unreal,
I love you and if this is how I'm Going to die then so be,
I can't live anymore pain you put me

But you didn't even know.

If you read this can you rate it and comment on it please it would mean a lot. Thanks:-)


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  • 19 years ago

    by NicholasRyan

    Hey thank you very much, This poem is great too.. very much emotion as well
