My love for you

by James Nguyen   Feb 22, 2006

I love you so much...

I wish I could write it in the sky
for everyone to see, but it'll just be blown away..

I wish I could write it in the ocean,
but it'll just get washed away..

I know, I'll write it on all the walls of America, but it'll just be painted away..

I love you so much.. I will write it in my
heart and forever it will stay.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Riffy

    Seriously loved it! It's so short but beautifully sweet.
    Sometimes the best things are the most simple.


  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    What a beautiful write, this one actually gave me shivers. In your poem the emotion of true love is there, and you certainly have some original ideas.
    If I were to be critical about this write all I'd say is if the wording was edited, and the same thing said with more "creative" words (a thesaurus is good for that) then it would be even more breath taking. Of course it is good as it is too.

    Keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Katie

    Very sweet. creative n well written too...good job

  • 19 years ago

    by Carrie

    Aww.. this is cute...

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