I will be there

by James Nguyen   Feb 22, 2006

Why do you hurt yourself so?
I love you too much to let you keep on going, even if you don't stop..

I'll be there for you.. I will love you no less

I will be there for you if you need to talk

I will be there for you if you want to take a beautiful walk

I will be there if you need a friend

I will be there if you are afraid

I will be there for you if you need love because my love for you is infinite and bright and will never dim.

I love you so much and I'm here for you each and everyday.


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  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I think it's beautiful that your work is inspired by your girlfriend, never let that love that you share go. We are somewhat alike, my love poetry especially is inspired by my Fiance...

    Your poem was really touching, and I liked the emotions you tried to express, however I feel there could be some improvement in parts.
    The first few lines don't seem in a very poetical format, same with the final three lines...changing these could really improve the quality of this write.
    The middle part of the poem I liked, it was clearly from the heart, and it worked poetically too.
    Good work, keep writing.

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