
by James Nguyen   Feb 22, 2006

Life can suck at it's hardest
but that never kept me down..

Life can be such a prick
yet be the kindest thing on earth..
It's not a life worth living if you don't take risks

I never understood that till now..
Life is all about taking risks..

Risks that can hurt you awfully..
Risks that can kill you
Risks that can be the most fun you ever had
Risks that can find your true love..

Some risks are really horrible.. like hurting yourself.. don't risk your life ever.

Life is really sweet if you think about.. the biggest gift in the world..

Hurting your life is ruining your gift
and if you my love ever hurt your

I'm here to fix any risks that hurt you with all my love I can give.
I love you. Don't ruin your gift.


Not my best work.. Just wrote it down thinking about life and my girlfriend =)


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  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I liked the way you described life so straight forward, you didn't beat about the bush and twist your words to make it sound "better" you just said it how it is, and I admire that. The repetition of "risks" in the fourth stanza worked well too, because it emphasised the title and the whole meaning of the poem. I enjoyed this write very much, good job!!

    Hate to sound forward but could you please return the favour on my poem "Orange Peel," I'm really looking for feedback on that piece, thanks.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    The theme and contant of this peice are very good, but i do agree with Tainted Mikochan about the form.

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    You poem had a lot of great ideas and insites, however it seemed to be lacking it's poetic value somewhat. I love your risk theme, so with some of your bored free time you might concider writing it in a more poetic form. Just some thoughts. Still an okay poem James.

    -Tainted Mikochan