Loss of A Special Person

by Jimmy Jr.   Feb 22, 2006

This person is cute.
She's not put on mute.
The only girl I lost.
It was nothing to cost.
A love so true.
Now my heart is blue.
I feel so sad .
Even when i call my dad.
My heart has been snapped in 2.
But she is the only one i knew.
I loved her.
She loved me.
She was with nobody but me.
But it looks like that I'm the only 1.
To ever be ignored by someone.
But now she's with somebody else.
Who makes her fell safe.
Looks like another loss of a special girl in a special place.


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  • 18 years ago

    by lindsay

    This was a good poem, especially at the end. in the beginning i didn't really feel that much emotion...i dunno. really great job tho. i giv it a 4/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Megan

    5/5 GREAT JOB! this is a very good poem. i can relate to this poem exactly..only it would be changed to loosing a guy not a girl. keep up the good work. take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Bridgette

    This is really good. 5/5 & thanks for your comment, it meant alot. i understand what you mean.

  • 19 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey I like this poem....Um on my poem CAN'T EVEN you said that you wondered who the poem was about. So I was just saying that I couldn't tell ya....sorry about that.....again great poem! Bye

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