
by stacy   Feb 22, 2006

I guess this is wrong what I'm about to do I have never done this before maybe its not wrong maybe Ill hurt myself for the hundredth time I thought it would catch his attention thats why I did that but like always I thought wrong I want to do it to make him worried about me I really think it might work this time I hope so I didn't think about him when I did it I don't think he even cared I would've stopped just for him but he doesn't care so Ill go on with my life living in the shadows with only one true friend that really cares if hurt myself this friend knows why do this why I hurt myself he cares but he thinks its dumb so Ill stop for my friend cause he actually cares and he protects me


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  • 19 years ago

    by shygirl

    Girl wat did i say bout doing that shit if i cant do it neither can u n i need to talk to u later or when eva i see u well plz dont hurt ur self u know i care n love u u dont need some boy to make u happy keep ya head up i love u stacy!!!