
by Timothy B   Feb 23, 2006

I have only once
Have to bury a friend
The pain I felt then
Is one I will never wish
Upon anyone around
Your world stops spinning
And you go numb for a while
I have lived this once
And I never want to have
To live it again
I did not know this girl
But what happened
Got me frightened
It got me thinking again
Of what it was like then
When I did know the person
I do not want this again
I do not want it for any of you
We often take life
And those around us for granted
Up to the moment
We have to say goodbye
I do not want to do that again
So please
I ask of all of you
Be careful in life
With everything you do
Because you are all my friends
And I do not want
To have to say goodbye
Not for now
Not that way again

A school girl died in a tragic car accident a few days ago back home, and the reaction of all her friends reminded me of when my best friend died in a similar way a few years ago. These memories reminded me how quickly we can lose loved ones in our life, and that thought scared me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Brittany

    I so get what you mean... life truely is easily broken and people dont see that until its too late...!!! im so sorry for what you had to go through! i kinda know how you feel... my boyfriends best friend died TRAGICALLY it was horrible... and so much more.. sorry again

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Thats so tragic..im so sorry.
    I agree with your wise words though...we shouldn't take things in life for granted.
    Take care xoxo

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