Comments : Gone

  • 19 years ago

    by ♥Leah♥

    This poem is about a boy not treaating his girl right and she leaves. when i first began writing this i was planning on the girl just leaving him, but the ending i came up with doesn't exactly give that thought. so you can decide for yourself whether or not the girl leaves the guy or kills herself. oh, and this is not based on anything in my and my b.f are still happily together and still plannign on getting married in September! Please vote and comment. i'll do the same for you!!! thanks.

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    Sad and yet so powerful. great work again. keep up this amazing work.


  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    Wow... I love this... very nice. I love the flow and how you portrayed the emotions of both sides in one single poem. Great work! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Falling Up

    Wow. i really enjoyed this. my perspective of this poem, was that a boy doesnt trear the girl properly, or cheats or somthing, so she leaves, yet, deep inside, she cant lie to herself or deny the fact she is still in love with him, she just doesnt want to give it in fear of feeling it again. and it takes her so long that she doesnt get to reply becausei thought she died. well tahts what i got from it. i loved it! keep it up! oh ya, im in your poetry club id just like to let you know. if u could comment or somthing on my latest poem called the color of decision, id love it and do another for you. thanks