Take my life today

by The Poetic Child   Feb 24, 2006

Many people say i know your pain
They say they know how i feel
But trust me they don't know the rain,
That drops on my heart for real,

They Say its a phase that will always happen
They say you'll get better
But i hate to the my closes friends start laughing,
They laugh as i write this letter

This is a letter you,
and you know who you are
I always said I love you
and we will go far

And we do go far,
We went for 9 months
now you now who you are
holding pain in tons

you hear these things,
and expect like i said it
felt like 50 Cent Rings
my words you never read it

i never said anything wrong
I always said you were good,
My friends think your wrong
that must be understood

Do you think i would say it
I would never give u a bad name
I hope u realize and i pray it
That i never bought you in shame

if you think i don't care
you are sadly Mistaken
in our relationship i was there
But you were always taken

A man took you away from me
and made you think i wasn't true
But no man would ever love you
Like i really truly Loved you

You really need to understand
The pain your causing me
I was always your man
but did you love me

Cause if you really loved me
You would of never left
and made me cry at night
Losing short on my breathe

I hate that your so fine
I hate the fact your living OK
the fact you were never mine
i just want to take my life today

Take my life and throw it
Take my life away
my pain you can never sow it
Just take my life today


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  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Ok I DONT know what ur goin through and I DONT know what its liek inside you. Btui can imagine that its hard ot se sumone so fine, so amqzing with sumone other than ur self. So i wish u all the luck in he world..its onna be ok I PROMISE YOU! Wish i was there to help you through this *give u a hug* if you eer wanna talk Im me: SkiTtlesLoVeRx0.....rly she's otu there. Excellent poem by the way i am proud to call u my friend. :)

    LYLAB ..Always LISSA (aka Melissa)

  • 19 years ago

    by Spanish Star

    This was really great. And very sad. And I totally understand what you mean when you say people dont know how YOU feel. Everyone feels different, but some have experienced equal things and can relate to that. Truly av great poem. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Nee

    That was deep
    I can feel ur pain.
    well, I'm in my sad mood so I did want to read lots of sad poems. I enjoyed rading this poem
    gonna read some of ur work =)
    keep it up Nd good luck!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cait

    Holy fu(k man! this was really good.

  • 19 years ago

    by DancingForGod

    I totally know how you feel, i went through the same thing a while back, but it gets better don't worry. your poem was definitly awesome!