Rescue Me

by Ashe   Feb 24, 2006

It hurts
Like piercing needles into my skin
The pain
I want it to all go away
Why did
My hopes have to fly so high
For what
To fall in love and be trampled on
This feeling
Of falling in love
Being heartbroken at the same time
No matter
If I'm happy or sad
If I'm laughing or crying
It tears at my heart
But still
I am here waiting for you
You will come to my rescue
Mend my broken heart


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  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Your hero will come, and your heart will be scooped up into his hands as he pieces it together again. You will get the guy that you ovbiously deserve, hopefully he is smart enough to see what is there for him. Best of luck to you in the guy department, don't forget teenage guys are all immature anyway. Wait till the gain a bit of sense and loose the zits, lol.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by Katie

    Good work, i really like it. that lingering hope is a great way to end it

  • 19 years ago

    by Buttons

    Nice poem i liked it.

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