Springs Sweet Song

by Daniel J   Feb 24, 2006

It's whispered amongst the flowers,
In reds and blues and yellows,
Passed through all the hours,
Flushed with colours mellow.

To bring it to the bushes,
The little insects rush,
New leaves their way begin to push,
In mints & evergreens lush.

We see it in all the trees,
For their flowers begin to shoot,
It must be carried in the breeze,
For now they show their reddened fruit.

And straight into the sky,
From many cedars tall,
The birds now begin to fly,
And Springs Sweet Song, to each other, they call.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Awww that was sooo good and descriptive!....can you please comment my new poem ME AND YOU...thanks!!! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ToTormentedToEvenCare

    I like this its sweet
    very descriptive

  • 18 years ago

    by Batscout

    I feel like I can see, hear, smell and taste spring after reading your poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great peice, unforced rhymes good flow and fantastic content.


  • 19 years ago

    by Jaime

    You are like the King of the Seasons, my friend. The words you choose are just magical, this is an amazing poem, particularly the last stanza. Very few people can rhyme like that without sounding forced, and you did a pretty good job with that. Take care,