Missing you

by shezza   Feb 24, 2006

Smile is what you told me,
And so smile is what i do.
And even though you've passed away,
I can still feel you.

I can still see you smile,
And the gleam within your eye.
I can still feel the warmth of your face,
That was here all that while.

I can still feel you when you are hugging me goodnight.
I'm also very sorry,
For every one of those fights.

I'm sorry i didn't tell you,
I loved you everyday.
And i wish i could now,
But i guess your too far away.

I'm sorry i didn't always,
Wrap up in your comforting arms.
But I'll remember all the times,
When we worked together on the farm.

We had all our fun,
And you let me drive your car!
I loved it all the time,
Even though i never drove far.

I loved the time we spent together,
And wished we had more.
But sometimes this will happen,
And you wont be knocking on our door.

We all miss you very much,
And we know that your still smiling.
And whether or not to nick our stuff,
Is something your still complying.

Next time your in the room with us,
Don't be afraid to let us know.
Cause one of the things we want the most,
Is just for you to show.

But when we're felling sad and blue,
And want to disappear.
Thats the time we remind ourselves,
That somehow your still here.

Even when we know your gone,
And we don't know if we can last.
We somehow make it through,
And we put our spot of depression in our past.

You'll always be in our dreams,
And forever in a hearts.
And even though physically your gone,
We're never gonna part.

*-* pls read and comment thanx. luv shez*-*-


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  • 18 years ago

    by Monica

    Ok, now i have tears in my eyes and getting soem very weird looks! this is lovely shez! take care!

  • 19 years ago

    by maggie

    That is amazing...it relates so much to the siutation im in cause i just recently lost my dad