You know that i never meant to hurt your relationship
You know i didn't mean for things to go this way
You know i didn't mean to fall in love with you
You knew that you couldn't stay
I know that i am stronger than than this
I know that i can pull you through
I know that you adore me
I know its not as much as i adore you
She knew that things were going down
She knew that she was going to get left behind
She knew that she couldn't stop anything
She knew we were one of a kind
Why is it that you are broken
Why is it that you are lost
I really want to let you go
But i am not sure about the cost
How are you going to feel when i go away?
Are you ever going to think about me
When i think about you every day?
I really don't want to leave you
That is the last thing on my mind,
I really want to be with you, we are trying to form something we cant find
Every time you are around, my head feels just a little cloudy
Every time you leave my heart feels a little heavier
Every time you open the door, my heart goes kerplink
Every time i see you, I just cant seem to think