No One

by mer   Feb 24, 2006

No one knows,where this road will take us,
No ones hearts can break us, since we're here
Can't you see, you are on your way, to the better days, just hold on
*Do not think that anyone can stand in your way, its up to you to change your life if you care, God gave you these trials he knows you can handle it, just give it time and you'll see, there's a purpose for your life, just stay right there*
~We get caught, in everyday quarrels
Why do we start them? theres no point,
*Tell me God what happens when it all ends, do we just go back to the way we were just go back again, can i do taht can i live the way i used to? just help me pull through*
~Little things i took for granted, now i dont have, a song we heard can spark one thing, one emotion, if i started again, would i do it different could i just try.... i know i can live my life different~


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