
by Kisa   Feb 24, 2006

I don't have that feeling anymore
that longing in my heart
I can't write the same way as I did
Am I growing up

I have forgotten who I am
the things I love to do
I don't write poems
I don't draw anymore

I have forgotten what I want to be
I don't understand why I can't
I'm so lost right now
so out of tune

I can't even make a decent poem
I don't have that motivation I had then
What's wrong with me?
I can't sleep at night

I can't talk right anymore
there's no more hint
of the sorrow in me
am i happy now?

Is this just a stage?
I want my old self again
I can't breathe in this new life of mine
I just want to FORGET!


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  • 19 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    You do now how to write good poems! lol 5/5
