Our Friendship

by Rican Chemistry   Feb 24, 2006

You are the kind of friend
That I can always count on
the kind that is always there
When everyone else is gone

The one that no matter what
Makes me smile when I am down
That with just a stupid typo
Makes me laugh till I fall to the ground

You mean so much to me
Girl you just don't understand
I want to make a vow to you
And I will try to keep it the best I can

I will always be there for you
When the world turns on you
I hold your hand through time and
Our friendship will always stay true

And I know that I can trust you
With any secrets I may have
I know that you will turn out to be
One of the best friends I've ever had

I wont mention any names
Because you should be able to know
For your that special someone
that always makes me glow

You know I tell you everything
From my faults to my mistakes
From everything I do thats dirty
To all the stupidity's I make

You know I make you laugh
The same way you make me cry
Whenever I hear your hurting
And wishing you would die

But I am here for you
Just open up and see
Just reach out your hand
Thats where I will be

Thanks you for being there
Whenever I may need you
And don't take this in a gay way
But girl I really do love you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Aww such an adorable poem..love it!
    great to have a friend like that..it's priceless isnt it!?
    take care hun

  • 19 years ago

    by Nee

    Loved that one
    tho saying the word "gay" wasnt suitable 4 the poem
    well, I shud give my honest comment. so thats all. other than this its absolutely gr8. friendship poems r so nice :)

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    A t0uching piece. very well written. g0od j0b darl!!