by maggie   Feb 25, 2006

Your ear to ear smile
brought a smile to everyones face
and your loving hugs and kisses
gave me a warm a secure place
and all of that and you will be
greatly missed
although you are not here
your soul still remains
i know you would want me not
to cry or be upset but,
that's impossible because,
the only thing that can make
me happy is you to be here

In memory of my dad, Dan Hughes
Loving father and citizen of whom passed away January 7, 2006 from a heart attack.


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  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great poem, it is very well written and shows how you are feeling very well, though i have never lost a parent as such i do understand to some degree how you are feeling. i lost my cousin last year and although it hurts and leaves you with many questions it does get better in time. poetry is a great outlet for these feelings and from these 2 peices i have read of yours you have great potential.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jemma Shields

    Your poems great!! I lost my daddy too,in December so i know exactly how your feeling.Im so sorry...i know its hell!! Thanks so much for commenting on my poem too and stay strong.It will never be the same again,but it does get better. Thanks for sharing your poem,it really helps to know your not the only one!! Jemma xxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    U mite hear this a lot but im so sori for yr lost..n i hope u'l b able to go back to yr normal life...but besides dat gr8 dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by shezza


    u read one of my poems not long ago. i lost my brother in april last yr. and then a fam friend in feb this yr.

    well keep up the wikid work!

    luv shez

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