Clockwork to Satisfy Terminal Triggers

by -Ghostship Fidelity-   Feb 25, 2006

~~~~~~~~Into a sun that never sets, they stare
~~~~~A black circle is forming in the place it stands
~~~~~~~~~~And steaks race across the sky
~The world is reeling at top velocities towards black holes
~~~~~~~~~~That in the end, we all sink into
~~~~~~~~~~Or out of seventh story windows
~~~~~~~~Falling into an elucidate sidewalk world
Where all the people wear the same faces until they punch out
~~~~And every night they burn up before they wake up
~~Transmuting into dreams while they sleep off nightmares
~~~~~~And somewhere people are blowing out candles
~~~Lighting their floors on fire with gasoline and matches
~Thinking that going up and out in flame will purify the world
~~~~~~Their shame will fade out, the book of regrets
~~~~Even before the tall buildings came crashing down
~~A man would sit down and write sad letters of nothing
~~~~~~~~~Letters to explain what went wrong
~~~~~~~~Or to explain the tethers of language
~~At the end of pin point pens his death wrote itself out
~~~~Drawing a black sunset of a sun that never sets


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  • 18 years ago

    by Emma

    I love how perfectly smoothly it all fits. i love it. amazing writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by kei

    That was absolutely beautiful, and i loved the structure of the poem. you are really tallented!

  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    Absolutely wonderful. love your style.

  • 19 years ago

    by Unforgiven Retniap doolb

    I had to read it a couple of times but I don't think I understood each bit but thats just me in another world right now...I liked what I understood even though it might have not been what you were putting out. I like this poem though better then the first one I read so I'm excited to read some more...good job your a great writer.

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow, I really liked this poem, really a lot. Gets 5/5 from me. Keep up the good work.

    -Tainted Mikochan