By Erika Dudley and Thea Sutherland
Guys are stingy!
They make you addicted then tear it away
They make you happy then break your heart
They singe your senses with passionate fires
Burning holes into your heart and soul
Tearing and ripping, biting and scratching
Trying hard not to let them go
You fall and break down into tears
Trying not to think what it would be like without them
Trying to pretend you wish you'd never met them
Trying to pretend it was you who rejected them
Trying to pretend they don't exist
Just regretting everything you did with them
What you went through with them may not seem so great to them
But now it haunts you with sweet ferocity
Thinking how they felt about you was just a lie
A fake
The truth is simple and hard to bear
It was one-sided
Are they ashamed? Do they regret?
Maybe it would be easier to just forget
You feel like you want to slit your wrists
Hurt yourself but better yet hurt him
You feel weak because you're gutless
But pretend that you feel strong
You see him flirting with another chick
You want to scream out
To yell at him, to chuck a fit
Can you erase it all?
White-out the past?
Can you forget what's been?
Gone by so fast
It's too hard but has to be done
You meet someone else and think
Is he for me?Is he the one?
But you know deep down somewhere in your frozen heart
That's what you though the first time
Do you take the risk?
Do you dare?
Deep down your scared to never trust again
You think is he worth it? or is he not?
You'd rather have friends you know that care
You've become an electric wire
Liar liar don't make me hurt you
You think if you can manage
To say yes when he asks you out
Your heart isn't in it
But your mind and soul
Cry out one word REVENGE!
You go out on a date
And have a really good time
You get home and fell you've betrayed someone
Is it yourself of him?
You feel you've used Mr Right volume two
Because you still crave someone else
Feeling this way you make yourself depressed
You never meant to hurt anyone except for Mr Right volume one
You listen to music
Wishing you had a gun
To shoot him, you or someone, anyone
You hate your life
You want to die
You make yourself sick
And feel ashamed
For everything you've done to the second guy
You never meant to hurt him
Or yourself
But you can't help it
The blood flows slower as your veins are emptied, dries up fast
As do your tears
You cant live with yourself
And slowly you get over all guys
Guys are STINGY!