Thunder and Lightening

by Kenshin   Feb 25, 2006

The calm blue ocean,
Resting on top of white sand,
Stirred by the winds sweet voice,
A thunderstorm starting at last.

Sweet sights of lighting,
Power with every strike,
The booming of thunder,
Bothering the calmness of the ocean.

I sit humbly by the shore,
Swept away by the never ending twilight night,
Listening closely to the thunder,
As I witness my first lighting bolt.

With each slash,
I think of a hardship gone
Lighting being my solution,
Slashing down on my problems.

Thinking of the thunder,
Rumbling from the depth of Mother Nature,
Another bolt is born,
Replacing the ones that die.

The cycle of life continues,
As the storm passes me,
Death and life enter winding,
A never-ending story, I rest my head and cry.

*To Elaborate of this piece: What I'm aiming at is to explain thunder and lighting as if they are the hands of death, and the storm passing after that is life beginning again*


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  • 18 years ago

    by lost_laureate

    "Another bolt is born,
    Replacing the ones that die." I liked this what a profound concept you managed to attach to something so natural nice use of pathetic fallacy here...great poem...

    [lostlaureate - come find me]

  • 18 years ago

    by Timeless Hopeful

    This nature story truly perplexes me. You have turned a story on thunder and lighting, into a sad poem at the end. Which is truly a unique thing to do. You described the scenary and you added the emotion to produce a spectacular poem.

    One thing though, your first line the "clam" should be "calm"

  • 19 years ago

    by Lu

    I think this poem is incredible Kenshin ...
    Some very interesting detail within the stanza's ....
    I think the stanza I love the most would be .

    With each slash,
    I think of a hardship gone
    Lighting being my solution,
    Slashing down on my problems.
    Looking forward to reading more

  • 19 years ago

    by Nada & Kris

    Hani, this is very conusing, I don;t understand what you mean by each stanza.
    like you start first with the ocean, then BOM lighting and thunder, and then life, and then this and that, like, come on, elbaorate and make it a little better. I know you can do much better then this.

    love you always,