Bloody romance(parts 1 and 2)

by The heart the soul the love   Feb 25, 2006

Blood smeared words written on her attire
Of the one she'd loved the written art of her life's desire
The lustful sent of her beloved
Filled threw the room and overwhelmed the unloved
Humans blood linger in the air
He won her heart this queen of solitaire
Her life is like a card game
And she plays her cards so carefully without a shame
she places her heart down to replace he's human life
with his blood she's sure to end this unearthly strife
she sacrifices her heart for his
the unearthed demon sends out pleads
she gives her blood and begs on her knees
to become human again she pleads
On her knees again she pleads
for romance is all she needs
to guide her out of this unearthly strife
she shall give up her own inhumanly life
for what she must do is inhumane and horrifying
for his soul is heavenly and glorifying
and for him she would give up everything
just to hear his heart sing
and to make him her desired king
for she shall murder her demons and her unforgettable past
and forever keep her happiness just enough to last
held by the demon her own inhumanly life
and in one hand a bloody knife
she engraves his words into her heart
for he hearts desire shall depart
as she cast on herself a trance
all this for her own bloody romance

i dedicate this poem to the love of my life my every thing sethy i love you


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  • 18 years ago

    by katie hensley

    Holy crap!! this is by far the best ive read. you have a gift. you know how to tell a story. good job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Brooke Mason


  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    This was definatly breathtaking :) 5/5

  • This poem is absolutely i dont even know what to say, definately a 5
    xX velvet kisses Xx