An Oh So Sudden Love

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Feb 26, 2006

I haven't known you long
but you are a piece of me
you fill the broken pieces
that always take place in me

I love to hear your voice
listen to every word
i love to hear the softness
like no other i have heard

I can feel your touches
the sweet taste of your lips
i love the way you whisper
you feel my life with bliss

The sweet smile that you flash
sends chills up my back
i know that when we talk
you'll never ever laugh

The secrets that i know
will always be with me
I'll never let them out
I'll never set them free

I hope you know i love you
with all that is inside
you make me oh so happy
when i want to die

Thank you baby!

*this poem is dedicated to Damian, he is my baby and i love him so much. I wish he would come over right now because i can't talk on the phone, if you ever get to read this baby i hope you like it. I LOVE YOU*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Angel

    I like your poem!!Damian is lucky to have you!!