Comments : The Hurt That You Hide

  • 19 years ago


    This is a very beautiful piece. It is written in such an open and honest way, I admire that.

    You have a very unique gift at conveying your feelings so flawlessly, I admire that as well.

    I guess what I'm saying is that when I grow up I hope to write as well as you do :)

    On a serious note, I absolutely love the third stanza, it is brilliant.

    I also adore these random phrases used throughout this poem.....
    "admirable disguise"
    "legendary eyes"
    and the whole last line.

    Nothing left to say, oh except that your awesome....but you already know that :)
    Love ya~Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Gret poem, Tim.

    I love the rhyme scheme, abba rhyming just the main vowel sound, and the repeated line just drives home the message.
    I think we all have some hidden hurt somewhere deep inside.

    Great work, as always!

  • 19 years ago

    by hayley williams

    Awesomely worded as always, hope your well xx

  • 19 years ago

    by shenoa

    I love the way you use your emotions in your poetry, i truly feel like i relate. great peice.

  • 19 years ago

    by shenoa

    I love the way you use your emotions in your poetry, i truly feel like i relate. great peice.

  • 19 years ago

    by Kaylalala

    Wow i liked this poem. I am adding you to my favorites and i think you are an amazing writer i cant wait to read more.

  • 19 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    Love reading your stuff. so full of emotion. you have a knack of driving home whatever message you are trying to convey. your words reach out and capture the reader. nice job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    I loved this because as the girl in the poem, I hide everything inside until I don't know whether to trust love. It's an honest poem and one of the best love poems I've read so far. Beautiful imagery and great word choice. I'm really amazed.

    Do you think you can check out some of my featured ones, if you ever felt like it?

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    Wow T, your words are touching and deep in this poem. Could'nt have wrote a poem better myself.

    love lis