If i could only keep you guessing..

by Alli   Feb 26, 2006

Its one of the hardest things i think I've ever had to do.
To her, i give you.

The silence screams loneliness
The fear leaps out of my eyes. fear of being left alone.

I want to save myself, i want to save you, But i can't save us both.

So i walk away and try not to look back. I try to memorize the look in your face, the way you smile, and your laugh.

I want someone to see me, but you won't ever because your always thinking of her in the back of your confused mind.

I want to save you, but i can only do so by letting you go.

There isn't any hope left for us, obviously i can't sleep knowing its not me you need.

I want to run away, but i decided to just walk.

I'm betting on the chance you'll call my name, and i want to hear your voice shake when you realize I'm already too far gone.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth

    Wow Allison!! I really like this poem a lot! I hope your doing well.. I miss you a lot right now... it's been a while since we hung out :'(

    soooooooooon!! ok?


  • 19 years ago

    by .::BrokenHrt::.

    Woow realli good poem...no0o how u feel...XoX