Comments : Ever Wonder

  • 19 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Don't u hate it when ppl just vote and don't comment? i want to know WHY they put a 5 or WHy they put a 1... i'm a very curious person. Ur stuf is very deep and I can c u talk from experience... please feel free 2 talk 2 me anytime... I'd love to.... and I added u 2 my favorites lol... cause I really love ur work!

  • 19 years ago

    by -Ghostship Fidelity-

    I don't wonder what life is about really. Because it just takes up my time, lol. But I do agree with the last line. ^_^ Good job with this poem. It can make people think, even with it's simplicity.

    Good job.


  • 18 years ago

    by ღHazel_Kittenღ

    Contemplational, good job