Comments : He really didn't love me

  • 19 years ago

    by Beautiful

    You know what I did? I was going on the search poem thing and typed in love. I saw your poem title and I clicked it. I looked at the first line and almost clicked the back button, but I double taked and could not stop reading it!! You broke it down COMPLETELY, but it left me wondering in the end! It made me think about my past relationship with my ex. he did the same things to me. I was so depressed and he made me cry all of the time. He made me feel worthless. Thanks for writing this poem because it helped me remember that I'm not alone. There are other people that go through the same things I did. You pulled something out of me- that feeling of being lonely. Thanks so much :)
    Killa Kis$

  • 18 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    I feel the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!