Comments : Just you...

  • 19 years ago

    by Danai

    1on thxxx for commenting... 2on, most important, yes, that's the one i'm talking about... i'd love talking about it with u anyway xairomai pou dn eimai i moni pou niw8ei etsi gi afto to atomo... we'll talk about that! lol ade, ta leme..... SEE YA!

  • 19 years ago

    by celi

    Teleio poem dan mou!! sto lega ego oti exeis talent vre paidaki mou!lool tespa.. i'm sorry u both feel that way,an kai den to'xo noiosei toso endona katalavaino... anyway,ti allo na po?ektos apo to oti einai katapliktiko to poem... afta... lol!
    c ya sweetie!s'agapo!
    xxxxxx celi

  • 18 years ago

    by Tess Beautifully Broken

    Awww really ammazing!!! soo well written. thanx also for the comment on my poem! 5/5