by Lanie   Feb 26, 2006

No one carried burdens like I used to
I kept it all here inside of me
I had no one to turn to
Except for the voice that talked to me

No one listened to what I say
Yet I was still there talking
With no one to hear me speak
The entire phenomenon while whispering

Who gave a damn to pay heed?
To someone known to be hallucinating
Scruples of thoughts to build good deeds
No one can stop me from winding

And yet to them I still exist as I please
As I carry yoke and fight
These burdens may cause my demise
If I would not be able to find the light

Why can’t I weep?
When all the anger builds up inside
Occurrences start to ponder before I sleep
While trying to set all things aside

Here still, I keep my burdens so heavy
My heart prance its entirety
As my sight grows blurry
I may no longer keep my sanity

One by one it gushes inside of me
Waiting to be liberated and set free
But I’m the burden keeper
And burdens live within me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ryko

    Hey! I like this poem it actually reminds me of my poetry, we seem to have similar styles I think. one criticism, go fix that one word where it shows the A?? thingy put the ' back instead haha. thats about it, i really like it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Angel

    I relly like your poem!!I knoe how you feel.please come check out some of mine some time!!