Legally Young Death

by Cantchangeme   Jan 18, 2004

My Daddy says he loves me
He beats me black and blue
He’s lonely without Mammy
His fists give him something to do

Fuelled by drugs and alcohol
Inspectors found him clean
Didn’t think to look for me
Didn’t look for gasoline

Daddy says he loves me
He chases me up the stares
A last painful memory
Human skin hurts when it tares

Daddy says he loves me
Daddy says he loves me true
Daddy says he loves me
I bet you wish he loved you too

This time Daddy’s really angry
He’s just been sacked from work
And you know he’s been drinking
Under my bed is where I lurk
Then he caught me hiding there
He chucked me down the stares
And now you know I’m dead
Dead at only three
But that’s ok because…

Daddy says he loves me
Daddy says he loves me true
Daddy says he loves me
I bet you wish he loved you too

Daddy says he’s sorry
Daddy says it wasn’t his fault
Daddy said he wish he’d stopped
Wishes he’d stopped his assault

*This is inspired by true events the dad in this story didn’t go to jail because he said he had mental health problems and that he loved his kid even after trying to get rid of the kids body by setting it a light*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Mephastophilis

    WOW. this is great girl. its really screwed up the way society works. i really liked this poem because it came from the child's perspective. ppl rarely think about what was going on through the childs mind, just the killer's. Poor kid- she probably thought that her dayd really did love her. great work cantchangeme. xmollyxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Dani Ward

    wow, thats sum screwed up sh*t, i kan't believe he kould get off with that

  • 21 years ago

    by i love you

    hey i really like your dad was hard on my sisters mom and i....i just found out the other day that my dad was the hardest on me....he said he loved us but still hurt us....keep writing ur me