Girl Inside A Cage...

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Feb 26, 2006

Trapped inside a broken world
i cry uncontrollably
realizing that I'm pitiful
hating myself for wanting to leave

The ugly scars upon me
i have come to hate
they use to be so pretty
while in the cutting stage

But now i can not see them
because I've become so blind
I'm to stupid to see past
my mind that's filled with lies

I tell myself I'm ugly
and i throw up all i eat
I'm trying to overcome this
I'm the one i need to beat

I see those useless tears
i walk around so sad
why am i so selfish
i make myself so mad

I do not want to do this
every single day
i do not want to live like
i can never stay

right now i might seem happy
but when tomorrow comes
I'll go on depressed
denying the fact that I'm done

my empty heart is burning
my thoughts begin to cease
this might all sound stupid
but now's my time to leave


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  • 18 years ago

    by Angel

    This is really good!!You can write a good poem

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Beautifully Broken*~

    Wow that was a really good poem i know what you mean i get so mad at myself for being sad i keep thinking that im so selfish and feeling sorry for myself. but keep writing your good i give you a 5/5 if you ever need to talk email me