Comments : Bi-polar

  • 19 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Awwww hunni. i know how you not bi-polar but those are feelings that i also have. Am i here....oh hunni i am here for you. I promise i wll be here when or if you ever ever need me. ill talk to you and help you out as much as i can. stay strong...ok

    ~Hurting Inside~

    i care hunni...i really do, ill pray for you sweetie

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great peice, i'm bi-polar too. i tried to write a poem on this but think that my attempt was no where near as good as yours. fantsastic peice


  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    This poem made/makes me cry so hard this poem feels so so real it's unlike any other've put so much emotion in this poem!