Life passes by

by DevilWithin   Feb 26, 2006

Life is flying by wither like it or not
it's hard to refuse when your so alone
nothing makes since nothing even friends
all you think about is dying each passing day

the days so opened when your eyes are closed
yet in the brain everything is dead and closed
you refuse to see anyone even your friends
life is passing by with each hatred within

you say you know me but you don't know me at all
but first face the fact no one knows me at all
no one knows the pain i dwell each every day
none knows the friends I have made with a smile

no one know the darkness that surrounds my heart
and you say know me but yet you really don't
life is being waste like fire you have set
never know what is going on with myself

never knowing when the trust your friends
never knowing what to do baling myself
life passes by like the weather changes each day
you try to stand up yet you fail and fall

you try to make a smile yet you frown with with delight
you try make new friends yet you hold your old ones
you try to forgive yourself and yet you fail and again
you try to make things right yet they come out wrong

life passes by when you even open your eyes
I have tried to be happy like ever one else but failed
instead I end up alone with a blade to cut
I cut until I'm tired and nedd badages them up

I'm tired of all this crap I'm tired living here
I hardly have anyone to life for anymore
yes i have friends and yes i would hurt them
anti-depressed so don't help me just drug me

then I'll overdose and die happily in my bloody bed
this is how I feel I'm fed up with all this crap
I'll hurt myself more then I'll ever hurt you
I'm surrounded by this smoke and darkness

I hope I'm dead to you because I'm dying inside
life passes by with never ending times to get through
while I'm dead please tell everyone I'll be fine
because this feeling are overwhelming me

please comment

(C) Devilwthin


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  • 18 years ago

    by ToxicSpookyAngel

    That was great i loved it

  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    Creepy poem...totaly seem so meaningless...i love it!;)

  • 18 years ago

    by ŘÅÇĦ♥

    Very emotional But i love em that way keep it up girl!


  • 18 years ago

    by *~vixen~*

    Very deep in my opinnon, i love it.

  • 19 years ago

    by David b

    Thnx for the comment of my poem, just been readin some of yours this one and the called that night are both great, wish i cud wirte them as good as u. thnx again xx

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