
by Danielle   Feb 27, 2006

Closed behind her shallow doors
She lives a life that has only died
Locked away forever becoming nothing more
Then a baby who has only cried
Scared, weak but driven
She wants to leave this place
But something holds her stricken
Insecurity withholds her face from being shown
With nothing else to loan
What made her become this way?
Was she always a scared little girl?
Who was she back in the day?
What made her afraid of the world?
She was taught to keep everything inside
How dare she put her problems in someone else’s hand?
Everything bottled up with everything she couldn't confide
No one could ever understand
Close to over flowing with black promises and white lies
All she really needs is a pencil and paper
You’ll never see behind her eyes, but only hear her hurting cries
She sits alone every night in her room to write everything in her savior
The only way she can possibly deal with it all
Without feeling so below
And dealing with drugs, she must stand tall
And she can’t go back to cutting without feeling so low
She is nowhere near wrong
But that much further from right
Determined to learn how to grow up strong
She is determined to change tonight


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    Wow, that was beautiful and full of internal turmoil. keep it up


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