I still think of you

by ksp   Feb 27, 2006

Am running from memories that always seem to last and the ones keep me up all night and the ones that also make me laugh it seem to be the memories of you and me keep me going through this messed up times, it's always going to be like the you always smiled when you seen me walking through the door and ran to give me hugs and said that am the only one and then when we held hands for the first time i remember because we was at the movies that makes me see that you loved me the same way i love you but then i see that you have already stared and family and most likely forgot about me and then i sit and wounder if you still think of me as i think of you and then i come to see if this was meant to be you'll come back to me for now am just going to wait and see if you still love me


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  • Hey, thanks for the comment..sorry it's a little late returning it.

    I like what you're saying here, but maybe (I'm only suggesting) you could make it easier to read by for example saying:
    Running from the memories that always seem to last
    The ones that keep me up all night
    The ones that amke me laugh

    I really do like what you've got here. 5/5 I'm just suggesting this. Everyone has their own style of writing. Keep up the writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Wow try and say that in one breath..wow that was the biggest run on sentane ever haha anyways gratt analogy i lvoe it. Keep up ur amazn work hunn. love it.