
by AngelEyez89   Feb 27, 2006

Yesterday I smiled at you,
But you just walked away.
Yesterday I told you I was sorry,
But you wouldn't listen or stay.
Yesterday I cried for you,
Because you don't want me,
Yesterday I didn't want to wake up,
Because dreams are better than reality.
Yesterday I missed you,
I almost couldn't live,
Yesterday I tried to figure out what I did,
How much more can I give?
Yesterday I tried to reach for you,
But you were already gone,
Yesterday I went through your letters,
Figuring out if you lied all along.
Yesterday I needed you,
But I couldn't find your face,
Yesterday my heart broken even more,
Searching for our special place.
Yesterday I wanted to hug you,
And feel your arms hold me tight,
Yesterday I wanted to call you,
To try and end the fight.
Yesterday I loved you,
And couldn't possibly let you go,
Yesterday I was dying,
Because you'll just never know.
Today I'm smiling to myself,
As I walk away,
Because even though I'll always love you,
I'm saying good bye to yesterday

(reposted. please comment if you can xoxo)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Katelyn Boudreau

    Ellow, i really enjoyed this poem, i am goin throuh a situation similar to that.keep writing-katelyn

  • 19 years ago

    by Alice

    Hey nice poem tho. i like it alot. reminds me of my 1st ex.