Darkness falls...

by SplitSided   Feb 27, 2006

He lurks in every corner of my minds eye.
And I don't know why.
I can feel him in the back of my eyes.
And I think that I am the one that he chose to dispise.
I hear his echo's.
His world is dark and cold.
He says he's from my sadness and pain.
My hatred and disdain.
It's him that I fear.
He makes me see things that aren't clear.
My anger fuels him.
He lives underneath my skin.
I tell myself that it's just me.
But still I look for trace's of insanity.
He was my creation.
My immitation.
From frustration.
He's created from my anger and rage.
He says that he's the letters on the back of the page.
I battle him in my dreams.
He lives to hear my silent screams.
He's from my anger and rage.
Soon he'll be uncaged.
I don't know what he'll do when he gets out.
Only I can let him out.
His eyes are dark with hate.
We share the same terrible fate.
Everyday he gets more irate.
Everything that was good has died.
He arose and I don't know why.
People around here call me weird.
But he makes me see things that aren't clear.
He says that he keeps me on track.
He makes me take a step back.
But I think he's tryin to get me to fade to black.
He's from my memory.
When it was just me.
I created him.
He lives underneath my skin.
If I battle him again, he will win.
I won't win this battle against him for long.
He's from when everything was wrong.
He see's the true me.
But he's part of my insanity.
I know he's there.
He knows that I'm scared.
Scared of being lost.
Scared of suffering at his cost.
As he comes closer.
I can feel him taking over.
I live inside of him.
I'm underneath his skin.
As he lurks and he crawls.
I watch as the darkness falls...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This is so sad, but very well written. i enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work. Shanik

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    I loved it. You are really talented. Keep up the good work. *5/5*