
by RyanBroad   Feb 27, 2006

What do you see?
What do you feel?
Do you not think it's you?
Do you not see it real?

How would it be
for you to finally see
What's outside, and in
and what's special to me

It's the moments you smile
the moments you glance
while I'm staring at you
looking back in a trance

It's the times I wake up
and I see you great eyes
you might not be there
but the memory never dies

when I saw you at first
I took a step back
I noticed the things in you
that other girls lack

Take notice of this
Because it's easy to see
you really are special
and your beautiful to me


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  • 18 years ago

    by NothingGoldCanStay

    Aww. Lovely poem.

    Nice use of question marks.

    What do you see?
    What do you feel?
    Do you not think it's you?
    Do you not see it real?

    Gave a 5.
    Good write.


  • 19 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    I got chills reading this poem. it is so good ryan. it really flowed and it is so sweet. i love all your poems:) bye


  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Vrry everythn abotu this poem especialyl that it shows that ever word came form your heart..good luck in your love...check otu some of my poems. thnxs


  • 19 years ago

    by No one

    Aww that was really sweet!
    Thats what every girl wants to hear/read!
    keep it up!
    xxx Beth

  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    Aww this is great....keep it up...its amazing....

    comment back and hope to talk
