by cHeRrY Feb 27, 2006
category :
Love, romance /
new love
I dOnNo iF i reaLly likE hiM.....foR me uR always gaNna be thE onLY oNe...u wEre my friSt,mY cupcAKe,anD juSt suMonE daT waS reaLly specAiL tO mE.foR a daY u coulD saY u got mE stuCk on stuPiD wHen i fOunD out wAt wAs uP.bUt noW evEry thiNg wE haD iS jUst dA paSt.iLL aLways hAve u hEre iN me cuPcakE.i hoPe i couLd liKe thiS perSOn aS muCh aS i liKeD u |